AXA IM Alts launches a “Shaping the future of finance” Chair in partnership with ESSEC Business School
- 01 October 2020
AXA IM Alts, one of the global leaders in alternative investments and the leading1 real estate portfolio and asset manager in Europe, is delighted to announce that it has launched the “Shaping the future of finance” Chair2 in partnership with ESSEC Business School.
AXA IM Alts’ ambition through this educational partnership is to combine the leading academic expertise of ESSEC Business School with AXA IM Alts’ experience and perspective on the themes that have been identified as the challenges of tomorrow's finance world. Alternative asset management challenges will be addressed with a specific focus on ESG aspects.
The “Shaping the future of Finance“ Chair will be supervised by Sofia Ramos and Francis Declerck, co-Chair Professors at ESSEC. It is a new educational project that will have a transversal view on the forces that are shaping the future of the financial industry. The Chair will give a particular look at sustainable finance issues and responsible leadership that are in the core of ESSEC values and pioneering spirit. In addition, it aims at reinforcing the competitiveness of the best ESSEC Finance track students in the international job market and engaging students on responsible finance and train them as responsible leaders.
The chair will also be used to develop research work; combining research activities at the highest level of excellence with the dissemination of knowledge among students, to help them in preparing for the changes facing the world of finance in the coming decades.
Isabelle Scemama, Global Head of AXA IM Alts and CEO of AXA IM - Real Assets commented: “ESSEC Business School is one of the leading business schools in Europe and has a well-recognized expertise into alternative assets, notably in real estate, an area where AXA IM Alts is a global leader. In a business of people like ours, we know how well-trained, talented, knowledgeable and innovative individuals can make a difference. It is a privilege for us to further expand our involvement in the educational field through this new young talents education program, where we feel we can bring our knowledge and our experience”.
Vincenzo Vinzi, Dean and President of ESSEC Business School, added: “A sustainable future is at the heart of our strategy. With this chair, ESSEC joins forces with distinguished partners to build a more resilient and more inclusive financial system".
The Chair is open to applications in October 2020. It is dedicated to the best ESSEC students in finance who must be motivated to contribute to a more resilient financial system fully embracing the sustainable dimension.
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About AXA Investment Managers
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) is an active, long-term, global, multi-asset investor. We work with clients today to provide the solutions they need to help build a better tomorrow for their investments, while creating a positive change for the world in which we all live. With approximately €815 billion in assets under management as at end of June 20203 , AXA IM employs over 2,360 employees around the world and operates out of 28 offices across 20 countries. AXA IM is part of the AXA Group, a world leader in financial protection and wealth management.
About AXA IM Alts
AXA IM Alts is one of the global leaders in alternative investments with €154 billion of assets under management as of end of June 20204 , across real estate, infrastructure, private debt, structured finance and hedge funds. AXA IM Alts employs over 700 people located in 15 offices around the world and serve the needs of more than 300 clients from Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and Middle East. We are a global leader in real assets investment with €103 bn of assets under management, the number one property portfolio and asset manager in Europe5 , and one of the largest worldwide.
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ESSEC, founded in 1907, is one of the world’s top management schools and holds the “triple crown” accreditation from EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. With 6,097 students; a faculty comprised of 164 full-time professors, 19 of which are emeritus professors, in France and Singapore, recognized for both the quality and influence of their research; a wide range of management training programs; partnerships with the world’s best universities; and a network of 55,000 alumni, ESSEC continues to foster a tradition of academic excellence and a spirit of openness in the fields of economics, social sciences and innovation. In 2005, ESSEC opened a campus in Asia, ESSEC Asia-Pacific. ESSEC’s operations in Asia Pacific, strategically located in Singapore, present the perfect foothold for ESSEC to be part of the vibrant growth in Asia and to bring its expertise to the expanding region. Additionally, in 2017 ESSEC opened a new campus in Rabat, Morocco, ESSEC Africa. ESSEC’s international expansion allows students and professors to study and understand the economic forces at work in the different regions of the world. For any additional information, please visit
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