AXA CoRE Europe Strategy
The AXA CoRE Europe strategy aims to provide global investors with regular income combined with long-term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of European real estate.
The AXA CoRE Europe strategy is managed by an experienced team that is supported by 140 locally based asset management professionals as well as 55 transaction professionals and a dedicated research team covering all sectors and countries of the portfolio.
A selective approach
The strategy offers a distinctive value proposition based on 3 pillars:
- Focus on our highest conviction investment themes representing more than 60%+ of the portfolio
- with a sustainability-oriented strategy to ensure long-term financial performance
- backed by a solid capital structure
Targeted growth
Capitalising on urbanisation and technology trends, we target a balanced mix of logistics, residential, office, retail, life-science and hotel assets in key cities and major hubs across Europe.
Strategic areas
Our goal is to select established and transparent markets across Europe. We focus on key cities with recognised liquidity to build a diverse portfolio that balances risk and growth opportunities.
AXA CoRE Europe seeks to offer investors diversified exposure to European real estate, allowing for enough flexibility to dynamically manage economic and real estate cycles over the long term.
Our ESG strategy
Long-term value creation
The strategy works to identify and deliver opportunities to generate value over the long term, protecting the future value of our assets and addressing the social and sustainability challenges that are increasing in strength across our planet.
Core strategy component
ESG considerations are at the heart of AXA CoRE Europe’s strategy, from acquisition to asset management, to financing (Green Finance Framework in place). As society’s needs and expectations grow in complexity we are investing in the insight and ingenuity of our people and partners to tackle problems that are only just emerging.
Three focus areas
Our ESG strategy is based on tangible targets and is centred around three focus areas:
Decarbonisation - Investing towards net zero
Our reach is broad, but our environmental footprint doesn’t have to be. The built environment is a major source of carbon emissions and we are taking action to deliver more energy efficient buildings, low-carbon and renewable energy sources as well as source more sustainable materials for our property developments. From investing in wind, solar and hydro solutions to implementing circular economy practices, we are exploring every opportunity to increase the efficiency of our assets.
Resilience - Committed to Paris agreement
Climate change poses several risks to our assets. We are already seeing an increase in physical risks, including extreme weather events, and it is our role to anticipate and prepare for the potential impacts they could have on our assets and the people that depend on them.
Equally, we are actively responding to rising regulatory and transitional risks, demanding and driving better energy performance from our assets and aligning this performance with global goals.
Building tomorrow - Investing in what matters
Sustainability is a broad concept, so our strategy must be too. Reducing our environmental impact is an essential part of it, but so is unlocking new opportunities, nurturing innovation and strengthening the way we work with our partners. The way people and buildings interact is changing, and we are embracing the opportunities this creates. We are working to ensure our assets promote health and well-being and provide the digital infrastructure and connectivity that our tenants expect.
Bond Investors
View documents related to Bonds Issuance
Discover our Logistics strategy
Our logistics strategy targets regular income and long-term appreciation through a diversified portfolio of logistics assets.
Find out more
Risk Warning
No assurance can be given that our strategies will be successful. Investors can lose some or all of their capital invested.
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