Most leveraged loans are secured loans issued to mid- to large-sized companies to support acquisitions and Leveraged Buy-Out (LBO) transactions.
Investing in leveraged loans enables clients to gain exposure to high-yield private corporates. They typically benefit from floating interest rates, and can help monitor risks, including seniority and loan covenants that impose specific conditions on the borrower.
Our strategy
The Leveraged Loans team has a track record of transactions spanning over 15 years. Our portfolio managers and sector analysts bring a wealth of experience from complementary sectors, including private equity, rating agencies, banking and asset management.
We have strong sourcing capabilities, thanks to our local presence and the relationships we have built in European and US markets. We are recognized for our expertise in credit analysis and portfolio construction, enabling clients to take advantage of the structural premium of secured finance assets and diversify their investments.
Investors in Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO) receive scheduled debt payments from underlying corporate loans secured on assets such as real estate and industrial equipment.
CLOs provide a unique opportunity to move up and down the capital structure, to diversify geographically, and to gain exposure to most sectors of the economy. They are floating rate instruments, which offer a premium relative to traditional credit markets.
Our strategy
AXA IM Alts is one of the most experienced non-bank CLO investors in Europe with a solid track record and over €21 billion
in CLO assets under management. We have invested in CLO tranches since the inception of the market in 1999 and managed investment strategies through cycles.
Our global presence and scale are key to our success in sourcing opportunities, alongside our deep understanding of underlying asset classes and market dynamics.
Asset-backed securities (ABS) offer significant diversification compared to traditional fixed income products such as government and corporate bonds.
They offer exposure to the consumer economy, through bonds secured by a diversified pool of loans given to everyday people. These typically include mortgages, auto loans and credit card debt.
Our strategy
We focus on direct investment in prime mortgages and loans and provide long-term, secured exposure designed to meet the needs of insurance companies and pension providers. Our award-winning investment team has a track record of over 15 years across multiple credit cycles.
Our robust process covers the full spectrum of the securitized universe including residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) and commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS).
Regulations oblige banks to strengthen their capital ratios to maintain their lending capability. Capital transactions enable banks to achieve this by releasing capital.
Investors can gain access to stable cash flows, via diversified credit risk exposures held on the banks’ balance sheets.
Our strategy
AXA IM Alts has longstanding expertise as a sponsor. Our Bank Capital strategy is supported by our stable management team, long-established relationships with banks and access to deals. We are recognised for our thorough investment process and our skills in portfolio construction, which combine a bottom-up approach with risk diversification.
Insurance-linked securities (ILS) are a way to transfer some insurance risks to capital markets. They provide insurers with a viable alternative to traditional reinsurance.
Returns on ILS are linked to specific risks, ranging from the occurrence of a natural disaster (catastrophe bonds) to life risks related to healthcare or mortality. ILS instruments offer the ability to diversify risk. They have a generally low correlation with other assets and the wider economy.
Our strategy
Building on our experience of pricing reinsurance contracts, AXA IM Alts takes a three-step approach to investing in insurance-linked securities. We carry out qualitative analysis of each instrument; perform quantitative analysis and risk modelling, and use sophisticated pricing models.
Investors in private debt and alternative credit finance the wider economy while accessing attractive yields.
Infrastructure debt funds the construction and maintenance of roads and public services. Commercial real estate debt and mortgages finance the acquisition, development or construction of commercial and residential property respectively. Alternative credit helps insurance companies and banks manage their exposure to risk and meet regulatory requirements. Loans enable fast-growing businesses to grow and refinance.
Our strategy
Our multi-asset investing strategies provide investors with an alternative to traditional fixed income. They provide access to higher yield through exposure to real assets, consumer credit and deeper corporate credit. We take an agile approach, responding to market changes proactively, and allocating across regions, strategies and markets.
Direct lending helps drive growth in the real economy by providing essential capital to small and mid-sized companies.
Direct lending plays an increasingly important role in helping companies fund growth, manage debt, and navigate complex financial situations. Our financing solutions cover corporate needs, including Leveraged Buy-Outs (LBOs), refinancing, special situations, and distressed scenarios.
Our strategy
Our strategy focuses on expanding from traditional corporate lending into asset-backed financing, leveraging our deep sector expertise. With a strong presence in key regions, we are well-positioned to source opportunities and provide essential capital that drives economic growth.